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18th Congress of European Mycologists and ART

"Broken links" Maria Subczyńska, phot. Jadwiga Subczyńska

I had the opportunity to present my performance dissertation at the Congress of European Mycologists in Warsaw:


The forest is a well-connected environment - when we open ourselves to discover the relationships between network actors, we find great wealth, biodiversity, and learn about life, death and rebirth. This is what mushrooms teach us - they are like an interface between start and end. They take care of closing the cycle, the circulation of matter, they are the organism in between. They teach us to let go of what is needed to go away to make space for a New. They also teach us about the acceptance of what has been denied by our culture: death, old age, rot, disease. They teach us about borders and transitional states, healing the incomplete, building a space for a healthy relationship with difficult areas of our reality, showing their deep sense and broadening the spectrum of their view.

(here you can see detailed documentation with the description:

I see great potential in the presence of art at scientific congresses! I believe that by acting interdisciplinary we are able to leave (at least for a moment) our reality tunnels, broaden our horizons and understand the world around us and each other better. With joy, answering the invitation of dr hab. Marty Wrzosek, I proposed my latest work "Broken Links" due to the fact that it is a performance and I wanted direct contact with the participants of the Congress of Mycologists, I wanted to look into their eyes and give hand-decorated mushrooms.

"Primal Intuition" Maria Subczyńska (hand-decorated mushroom)

Together with Natalia Ziętara, we opened the Mycohood stand at the Congress, but we also presented the works of Sergei Kanarski and my authorship made as part of the Biomateria project, which gave us the opportunity to make many interesting contacts, talk about mushrooms, but also about love for the world, for nature.

Take a look at Instagram Mycohood here: and Biomateria here:

Lewy górny róg fot. Jadwiga Subczyńska, prawy dolny róg fot.Magdalena Szczoczarz
Description of the performance in the Congress program, upper left corner, photo: Jadwiga Subczyńska, lower right, photo: Magdalena Szczoczarz

Among other things, the fruit of the 18th Congress of Mycologists in Warsaw was that on December 22 at 9:00 am in Siberia via Skype I was talking about mushrooms in art I create. I am very happy that I had the opportunity to meet Nina Filippova. 🍄🎄 Nina has a Museum of Mushrooms and Art in Siberia 💞 Mushrooms and art are a wonderful combination that resonates with me for many years now and is a bottomless inspiration, so Nina invited me to tell stories about art and mushrooms during MYCO ART STORIES , and video-documentation of this event can be seen here:

Be sure to watch it!

Maria Subczyńska


plakat Myco Art Stories

Maria Subczyńska


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